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tenerife meditation tour (title)
Canary Islands, Spain

2025 Dates

June 3-8, 2025

Nature’s Healing Power in Europe

Utilizing Tenerife’s vibrant energy, this retreat is designed to help you expand and experience the healing power of nature that is unique to Europe. Whether there’s a part of you that needs to heal, be more fully alive, or you are looking to open to your purpose in this life; this retreat will gift you the frequency to empower the most magnificent version of yourself.

What is a Meditation Tour?

What makes a meditation tour unique is the purpose of travel. Most people travel to sightsee, take photos, make memories, and eat delicious food. While you will do all that in a meditation tour, the difference is an added element of purifying the mind, body, and spirit in nature and practicing deep self-care in a new setting to refresh your brain.

Often when that component of reflection and self-care is missing in travel, you might come back home and experience travel fatigue. We all need to refresh and recharge from time to time, and sometimes that’s easier when you’re in a new environment. Take a deep breath, feel yourself one with Nature, and be inspired to a life of greater purpose.

This meditation tour will help you return home refreshed and newly inspired as you experience Nature purifying your mind, body, and spirit.

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Where is Tenerife?

Tenerife is one of the seven islands that form the Canary Islands of Spain and is considered a Biosphere Reserve. Originally the site of an eco banana plantation, Tenerife Healing Garden is the Earth Citizens’ training center in Europe. It is a truly sacred land that will help you uncover your true self and reconnect with your soul's calling. 

Places You’ll Visit*

  • Dragon Tree (El Drago Milenario)
  • Garachico, natural pools created by lava
  • Tenerife Healing Garden 
  • Banana and avocado plantation
  • GongSaeng Garden
  • Masca & the beach side of the island
  • Mount Teide (volcano)

*Locations visited are subject to change

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Dragon Tree (El Drago Milenario)
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Gerachico, Lava Pools
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Tenerife Healing Garden
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Tenerife Healing Garden
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Banana and Avocado Plantation
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GongSaeng Garden
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Mount Teide (Volcano)
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What You'll Experience

  • Beautiful coastal nature of Europe
  • Visiting UNESCO World Heritage Sites on the island, including the famous Mt. Teide volcano
  • Meditation experiences at some of the oldest geological sites and picturesque areas of Tenerife
  • Deep connection to yourself and energetic healing to refresh yourself, away from the busy demands of daily life 
  • Recharging your body, mind, and spirit surrounded by pure, clean, cozy, and beautiful nature of the Island

About the Retreat Center

On the south west side of the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands, Tenerife Healing Garden is a quiet and peaceful location tucked away in nature, while at a reasonable distance from the main attractions the island offers. Anyone staying at Tenerife Healing Garden can visit the banana and avocado plantation, enjoy the meditation labyrinth and more hidden spots for quiet reflection or watching the sunset.

Recommended Reading

new humanity

A New Humanity
Embracing Our Responsibility for the Earth

Are we willing to make compromises for the sake of the planet?

In a world brimming with uncertainty and rapid change, visionary author and Body & Brain founder, Ilchi Lee issues an urgent call to action—one that deeply resonates with those who hold the earth’s well-being in their hearts. At the core of this impassioned plea lies the New Humanity Pledge, a movement that underscores the health of the earth and harmonious coexistence as our collective responsibility. It urges each one of us to step beyond our comfort zones and prioritize the greater good over convenience, profit, and power. With fellow Earth Citizens, Ilchi Lee encourages you to embrace the New Humanity Pledge and bring its essence to life.

Order a copy here.

art of coexistence (book)0

The Art of Coexistence
How You and I Can Save the World

How can we forge a peaceful and sustainable world amidst our divided times? In "The Art of Coexistence," New York Times bestselling author and Body & Brain founder, Ilchi Lee tackles this urgent question. In collaboration with Steve Kim, Lee unveils vital concepts, principles, and practical methods for cultivating coexistence as the answer—a recognition that every individual, fellow humans, and the Earth are interconnected. By exploring necessary societal, educational, and spiritual changes, the authors lay the philosophical groundwork for building a better world, starting today.

Order a copy here.

What People Say About the Tour

Karen H.

“The meditation tour in Tenerife was an exceptional journey to self-discovery, and to truly heal and relax. The trainer/guide’s genuine warmth created a nurturing environment in the beautiful nature for a deep connection to oneself. Enjoy the natural landscapes, ocean, and healing black sand beaches for purification felt in your entire being. You will feel grounded with inner strength from the abundant energy of Mother Earth. Experience enjoyable team-building activities at the Healing Garden. It is a unique meditation tour.”

Anne C.

“Being at the Healing Garden Center in Tenerife I felt infused with loving, caring , healing energy. The center is wonderfully situated in a banana plantation where it is easy to be one with nature, feeling the ocean breeze, swimming, walking, playing and eating delicious food. I experienced deep meditations at the center’s vortex energy spot, and high up at the top of Mt. Teide but most profoundly at the Dragon Tree in Garachico where I released a long ago trauma. No trip to Tenerife would be complete without swimming in the “lava pools” or at the black sand beaches. It is a place to renew and reconnect to ECO and the vision.”

Meet the Trainer

ilchi ssn

Ilchi Lee Seuseungnim
Founder of Body & Brain

Ilchi Lee is the founder of Body & Brain, a New York Times bestselling author, an innovative leader in brain potential development, and a dedicated advocate for a peaceful, sustainable world. He has developed Brain Education, a mind-body training method that helps people create their own health, happiness, and peace and use it for the benefit of all.

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Ilchi Human Daesunsanim
CEO of Body & Brain

Ilchi Human Daesunsanim brings over 20 years of experience mastering Qi energy through SunTao Living practice and Body & Brain. She offers expert guidance to reconnect people to the deepest root of themselves and awaken their fullest potential. Ilchi Human Daesunsanim is an international speaker and trainer who envisions individual awakening and healing to be the seed from which the healing of all humanity and the Earth will grow. 

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Jeong Sunsanim

Jeong was previously the CEO of Body & Brain Europe. She has also been teaching for 26 years and has been a main trainer for Brain Management Training and Dahn Master Course.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, single rooms are available for the tour at an extra cost. By default, the tour price includes sharing a room with another participant of the same gender. If you prefer a single room, please note that there is limited availability on a first-come, first-served basis after signing up and completing the tour application form. An additional fee will apply.

The most effective solution is to go through your current cellphone service provider and ask about their 'international plan.' This will allow you to receive calls and texts with your current phone number.

The other option is to purchase a local SIM or eSIM card, however, this option may have data and calling restrictions.

Please ask your local Body & Brain center manager for the tour welcome packet for information on when to schedule your flight arrival & departure.

Current travel requirements can be viewed at: travel.state.gov

For any requirements, the tour coordinator will work to assist you in completing them.

  • Cancellations made within 30 days to 1 week of the tour start date will result in a fee of 20% of the total tour price.
  • Cancellations made within 6 days to the day of the tour start date will result in a fee of 50% of the total tour price.

Tenerife Meditation Tour

Register Today!

Contact your local Body & Brain Center to Register.

Includes all meals, lodging, and travel during the tour

Tour Price: $3,900

Check with your center manager for more details about your flight schedule before buying your ticket.

Contact your local Body & Brain Center to Register.

Includes all meals, lodging, and travel during the tour

Tour Price: $3,600 (until Dec. 31)

2024 Price: $3,800 (starting Jan. 1)

Check with your center manager for more details about your flight schedule before buying your ticket.

Contact your local Body & Brain Center to Register.

Registration Closed

Contact your local Body & Brain Center for more information.